Friday, December 28, 2007
MMR strikes again
I knew our good fortune of no sickness (for at least a while) would run out at some point.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas at Auburn Hill Drive!
Christmas in Mobile 2007

I love being a Veterinarian!
I think this holiday season is summed up in four words: Blue Ridge Animal Clinic. Have we been busy! I have done more surgery in the last week than I had done in several weeks, including things I hadn't done in years:
- Let's start with the dog who ate carpet. Whose owner let the dog eat the carpet. Exploratory surgery and (4) enterotomies (intestinal incisions) to remove the carpet. Dog did great.
- How about the puppy that was bought from someone online who was transported by the breeders (3) teenage grandsons. It's tried to die for the last two days. Got a blood transfusion, IV catheter, fluids (it's only 2 pounds). That required a trip to the clinic this morning (Christmas). I don't know if it's going to live or not.
- And, there is this cat who had a wound on his foot when the owners saw it last week. Then, it shows up yesterday. I ended up amputating (2) toes off his foot. It just wreaked of infection.
- Yes, and let's talk about the dog that the emergency clinic wondered if it was shot by an arrow in it's foot. (3) out of (4) high end toes were broken. That surgery took almost 2 hours yesterday. I HIGHLY doubt that it's going to work, but I was upfront with the owner. He wanted me to try. Come to find out, he's a documentarian by trade. Maybe an idea for another story? :)
- And, let me not forget, there was a cat with a lower K9 tooth at a very awkward angle - because the root was rotten. That cat tested positive for Feline Leukemia.
- And, how could I forget Noel? A kitten on the river bridge (beside the clinic) last Thursday. Had already been hit by a car, and it's right rear leg was irreparably broken. So, I amputated it. She's doing great. She's a tough cat. With a large nub.
And, you know what? I just love my job. I love what I do. There was a time after graduation that I wasn't sure that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. But, I have found a clinic where I enjoy what I do. I have a great boss. The girls with us are great.
And, I have a great family that accompanied me to the clinic on Christmas morning to try to help this most sick Christmas present. Without complaint. Kate was so glad to see Tiger and Nifty.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Long and lean
Monday, December 17, 2007
2 more funnies
And, yesterday, while at Gutheries, Kate pooped in the potty for the 3rd time in a row! Yeah Kate! Well, she was SO proud of herself that when we came out of the bathroom, she started yelling (my parents were with us), "Mimi, I pooped in the potty! I pooped in the potty!" It was quite hilarious. Yes, there were other people there too. They just smiled and laughed. It was really cute - and they all understood! As far as I'm concerned, she can shout it throughout Eastdale Mall, as long as she poops in the potty! :)
Excessive Celebration II and Santa Closet
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Alabama spay/neuter tag

Thursday, December 13, 2007
We are feeling better
But, since I have been under the weather this week, I am far behind where I thought I'd be at this point with getting ready for the weekend events. But, I am not even worried about it. How hard is that to believe? I guess I just have decided that what's done is done, and I'll deal with what isn't...
My friend, Wendy Chesser, brought her cat to our clinic today. She didn't know I was working there, and I was so glad to see her! We quickly decided that we were going to have to set up a lunch or dinner date monthly to keep up with how the other is doing. Her kids are getting so big, and she home schools them (and loves it). I'm not surprised - she is such an energetic and outgoing person. I'm so glad she came by today.
Anyway, I'll have lots of pictures to post in the coming days.
New Addition
Monday, December 10, 2007
Now I KNOW I'm not feeling good
And, now I am in tears because I am so aggrivated.
So, obviously, I am not feeling good, because why else would I be crying?
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Brooks' bed head, Kate's new big girl bed...

I have been thinking of this post for a while. Since this is for family and friends, and also my "journal/memory book", I wanted to take a minute and think about how my kids are so different:
- Kate and Brooks have always been good sleepers.
- Kate will sleep until 7am, and Brooks is up before 6am talking.
- Brooks is much more of a talker than Kate was.
- Kate is a much better eater than Brooks is.
- Kate would try so much food; Brooks will try hardly anything.
- Kate was always great at dressing (she learned quickly to help us put her shirts on); Brooks has never liked being dressed.
- Brooks is great at letting me put his shoes on - he holds his feet up to do it. Kate used to fight me by curling her toes.
- Kate seems tougher than Brooks. He is much more sensitive.
- The were both late crawlers and walkers (Brooks isn't walking yet).
- Kate's teeth came in one at the time. Brooks' teeth come in groups.
- So, Kate had little trouble teething. Brooks was a nightmare.
- When Kate is sick, we are usually up and down with her at night. Brooks has never woken us up at night when he is sick.
- Kate was much sicker as a baby than Brooks has been.
- They are both great car riders.
- Kate is a daddy's girl; Brooks is a mama's boy.
- Kate loves my horse, Reed. Brooks wants nothing much to do with him (although he is getting better)
- Kate loves, loves, loves milk. Brooks is difficult to get to drink it, although he is getting better.
- Kate was a late talker. Brooks babbles all the time. I think he gets that from Scott.
- Both are great medicine takers.
- Kate loves to read books. Brooks isn't as interested (could it be because he is the 2nd child and I don't have as much time?)
- Kate was a little ticklish. You can almost make Brooks laugh by thinking about tickling him.
- Brooks has always smiled and laughed. Kate didn't have that hearty laugh as a baby that he has. I know he gets that from Scott!
Well, I'm sure that I will come up with more. I really enjoyed that!
Kiddo update
Brooks started running a fever today. He was so wonderful in church this morning - we didn't have to leave! (for the first time ever, I think). Alas, during lunch he felt awfully warm, and was a little oven by the time we got home. I guess we will wait to see if he continues the good church boy trend after he is well. He is feeling much better now - crawling around our bedroom now.
I, however, have been sneezing and have a touch of a sore throat. I am craving some orange juice and am praying that the plague passes before our "weekend of Christmas fun"! Friday night we are having Christmas dinner for the girls from work; Saturday is the holiday morning with Santa at church; and Sunday is our cookie swap.
Jason is hopefully coming on Tuesday to get the electricity run to hang our chandelier in our "new" dining room. I finished painting the table and it looks great. I am very pleased. So we have a mad dash to Friday night.
On a side note, my hair did GREAT today! It is a really good day when your hair looks good!
On another side note, I received a belated anniversary present this past week. Our 10 year anniversary was this past May, and since that fell the week after we closed on our new house, we decided to dedicate our time here. Well, last week I saw this most beautiful vintage wedding set while out "looking". I have always wanted a ring like this - and I am so excited that Scott said that I could get it. When I showed it to him, he said it was OK, but it wasn't something that he would have picked out! :) It's a good thing that I did, because I just love it! Thank you, honey!
So, we are getting excited about this week. Pray for some good health for us, if you would!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
What annoys you about the Christmas holidays?
One of the questions was, "What is most annoying to you about the Christmas holidays?"
For me, it is the pressure to buy expensive, impressive or just plain more presents. I sometimes feel that I am such a simplistic person. I consider myself very content, and there is very little that I wish for or yearn for in this life that I don't already have.
I think, though, what I wish for most, is a simpler time.
I wish that our neighborhood could be like Mayberry; our family be like the Cleavers; our house filled with stories and singing rather than television and movies (ironically, how would I know about Mayberry or the Cleavers without TV? I know, I know...). While I am sure that I have idealized the periods just a bit, I still remember walking to my friends homes and riding my bike for just a little while after dark. I wonder if my kids will experience that.
Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't trade a hot shower for life 100 years ago. After all, that IS a lot to ask!
My children are not old enough to really appreciate what Santa is all about. But, when they are, I want them to enjoy the innocence of this tradition for as long as they can. Is there a way for them to want something and be satisfied at the same time? I'm sure they won't as children - for that is something I hopefully can teach them.
I hope this is something that I am ALREADY teaching them.
'Nuff said. (gotcha Randy Medlin)
Monday, December 3, 2007
My loves
Scott didn't get home until 8:50pm.
We are beat.
But, I love my life.
I love my husband.
I love my children.
I love my parents.
I love my family.
I love my job.
I love my dogs.
I love my house.
I love my neighbors.
I love my friends.
I love Christmas.
I love being a Christian.
I love being loved by God.
At least it's colder today...
So, what have we been doing for the last few days?
Friday, I got a "wild hair" (as my Mom would say) and I decided to move the living room around again. I thought I was happy with the last arrangement, but I don't think I totally was. Kate helped me and it was quite comical. She was really getting into it... "Push, Mama!" And, I forgot to mention it to Scott before he came home (well, not exactly forgot, but I wanted it to be a surprise), so when he came in the living room, he was surprised! Time will only tell how long it will stay this way.
And, I got my Christmas tree finished. I am quite pleased with it, but I have NOT been pleased with the pictures I have taken to show you. I am still working on that.
Gran Gran and Paw Paw stopped by to see the kids on the way to Anniston on Saturday. It was a quick visit, but we enjoyed seeing them. Gran Gran made many new bows for Kate, and I was just tickled to get them. And, of course, the rest of the day was spent watching college football - ****if TN could have only beaten LSU****
Sundays are so hectic for us. On top of that, we bowled with our Sunday School class after church. We had such a good time, but I really S-T-U-N-K. If I ever bowl well, I was having a lucky night. Well, I really wasn't lucky last night. Scott bowled well, as usual. Not as good as he could have, but he still did well. Scott is good at most sports he plays. Except, maybe golf...
Today I worked - and it was BUSY. But, it is the first Monday of the month - and I play Bunco on those nights! It is such fun to just laugh and laugh with the girls. I guess you would have to be there to know how much fun we have! And, the food was fabulous - Rebecca always goes out of her way to entertain. Bunco is at my house next month, and I am so excited about it! Terri and I have already been scheming about that...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Is this not the sweetest picture ever?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I guess, after that, we don't have any new news to share. Scott is in full swing at UPS. He says he is the real "Santa Clause". The kids are great, happy AND well! We are really looking forward to all the Christmas festivities planned for the coming weeks.
When the tree is finished, I will post some pics. Until then....
Monday, November 26, 2007
Melissa, do you remember this?

My sweet daughter
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My sweet husband
Today, Scott repaid Mark for prison ministry, so I had the kids all afternoon. Now, you would have to know us to know this - Sunday afternoons are made for sleeping and NOTHING ELSE. But, after getting the kids down for their naps, I decided to clean the house instead (no nap for me). I got a lot done, and was pleased it when we left for church tonight.
Scott met us there after church (yes, it takes all afternoon). On our way home, he asked what I did this afternoon. I replied (smiling), "I did get to eat 2 grapefruit (the TRUTH)". He just smiled. Taking the bait, I asked him if he was still going to Walmart tonight. "No" he said, "I will my time would be better spend helping you clean up the house for tomorrow." Then, a bit later, he asked me (smiling), "So, how long did you sleep for today?". I answered, "Well, I don't really know.." He just laughed, smiled broadly, and said, "I just love you..." And he really meant it.
All was forgotten when we got home. I took Brooks and Kate inside while he was unloading the car. After I got the kids changed for bed, we came back to the living room, and boy was he suprised at our clean house!
A few minutes later, he asked my why I was smiling at him in the car tonight. I told him that most husbands (and wives, even me...) would probably have started fussing and complaining that I had all afternoon to at least get started on the house, and all I did was take a nap and eat grapefruit. Yet, his response to me was he loved me (and, no he wasn't kidding... and wasn't mad, either!).
Sometimes I forget that I do have the sweetest husband in the world, Scott. And, boy do I love you!
Happy Thanksgiving 2007
Finally, some pictures to show. We had such a great time this weekend. It always goes by so quickly! This year, we had Thanksgiving back at my Grandparents house - and I was so glad! It was VERY crowded, but it was so good to have us all together there. I will trade cramped anyday for the memories of that house.
We are settled in, tired, and ready to start another week.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Prayer request
We have so much to be thankful for.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
"Well, that can't be good...."
To catch you up:
I did work 3 days last week at the clinic. Dr. Brooks took a well deserved long weekend to Gulf Shores. It wasn't all that bad (busy/overwhelming, that is), but it still whipped me a bit. Then, some friends came over and ate with us Sat night, we took our adopted student out for lunch on Sunday AM, and went to BK with Mark and Leah Sunday night.
Then, it was back to the old grind on Monday with work.
We are all doing fine. I however, have been struggling with oral ulcers for the last month. It seems that as soon as one heals, another starts. This past weekend, I had 3 of them. This time, they were on both sides of my mouth, so it has made it so hard to eat. I believe that's another reason I got whipped this weekend. But, they are feeling better today, thank goodness! In fact, I ate a HUGE BBQ sandwich for lunch and enjoyed every second of it. My ulcers hurt a little, but I could eat reasonably comfortably.
Today, I took the kids into work (YIKES!) to help Dr. Brooks out this morning. She has lithotrophy done on her heels (for heel spurs) yesterday. We all weren't sure how she was going to feel, but she said her feet felt pretty good. I had also taken a sweet little poodle home last night - she came in hit by a car last night about 5pm - and belongs to the sweetest older gentleman you will ever meet. She was seizing on arrival, and I ended up having to sedate her to get her to stop. She did very well last night and I had to bring her back to the clinic anyway. The kids were great - Kate played with the pill vials (which is what she usually does) and the girls took turns holding Brooks (he actually gets quite heavy the longer you hold him) while I did a few surgeries and saw a few rooms.
So, this afternoon I took one of our techs, Jessica, to my orthodontist in B'ham. She made an appt for a consultation about braces. I was thrilled that she wanted to see him, and when she asked if I wanted to go, of course I said yes! So, here we go (again) with children in tow (YIKES again). Dr. Boggan came over and gave me a big hug when he saw us in the waiting room. And, much to my amusement (and his, too, I'm sure) I immediately "confessed" that I still had 7 aligners to use to complete my treatment... After a sweet reprimand, I agreed to go back to wearing them again! I really needed to, anyway. I think after Thanksgiving... I think... HA!
I'm so glad I got to go with Jessica. She is such a good girl, and really reminds me of myself at that age. She is a very dedicated student and is so ready to go to vet school! We agreed that we should plan our appts together so that we can ride together to B'ham to see Dr. Boggan.
Tomorrow I will spend the day cooking my portion of Thanksgiving dinner. We are going to my Grandparents' house as is our tradition, and I just love it. My favorite part is the GRAPEFRUIT that Aunt Pat brings from FL. Yet, another reason to get rid of these ulcers! ARGH!
OH.... lest I forget....
Brooks accidentally set off the fire alarms during the sermon at church Sunday AM. I actually heard our minister Randy say (in midst of his sermon), "Well, that can't be good..." It was quite harmless, I was quite embarrassed, and all I could think of was one day saying...... "Do you remember that Sunday that Brooks set off the fire alarms at church?"
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"Even the cow was smiling"
This is an excerpt of one of my FAVORITE stories in All Creatures Great and Small, and something that frequented my mind during clinics in school.
"They didn't say anything about this in the books, I thought, as the snow blew in through the gaping doorway and settled on my naked back.
I lay face down on the cobbled floor in a pool of nameless muck, my arm deep inside the straining cow, my feet scabbing for a toe hold between the stones. I was stripped to the waist and the snow mingled with the dirt and the dried blood on my body. I could see nothing outside the circle of flickering light thrown by the smoky oil lamp which the farmer held over me.
No, there wasn't a word in the books about searching for your ropes and instruments in the shadows; about trying to keep clean in a half bucket of tepid water; about the cobbles digging into your chest. Nor about the slow numbing of the arms, the creeping paralysis of the muscles as the fingers tried to work against the cow's powerful expulsive efforts.
There was no mention anywhere of the gradual exhaustion, the feeling of futility and the little far-off voice of panic.
My mind went back to that picture in the obstetrics book. A cow standing in the middle of a gleaming floor while a sleek veterinary surgeon in a spotless parturition overall inserted his arm to a polite distance. He was relaxed and smiling, the farmer and his helpers were smiling, even the cow was smiling. There was no dirt or blood or sweat anywhere."
It is humbling to know that your very thoughts have been shared by greats of your profession.....
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Playing around with stitch

Monday, November 12, 2007
And, how could I forget?!?!
No more laughing at my baby for having other 6 month olds showing him up! :)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Well, our time in Gatlinburg was so special this year! Here's the rundown:
We got there last Friday. The kids did amazingly well on the ride up there! Kate had run a slight fever last Wednesday night, and was coughing some. Brooks was starting with a runny nose. And, they were wonderful. We were amazed.
We did so much shopping! I know, I know, why do you go to the mountains and spend so much time shopping? Well, mostly because I don't get to. I don't like to shop alone, and with Angie, Mom and Scott there, I had so much fun! Plus, I did have a few things on my list to get while we were there.
I bought several books while we were there. I wanted to read the book "My Father's Secret War" by Lucinda Franks. It is the latest book on NPR that Dick Estell is reading. I have enjoyed listening to it, but don't get to hear it every day. It is really good (I'm only halfway through because it has gotten slow). I hope to finish it soon. I also got Little Women. Haven't read that since high school and thought I'd give it a real read this time!
We went swimming on Monday in the heated pool outside. It was wonderful. Kate is SO into "swimming" these days - she would be a fish if she could. It was 72 degrees that day... the rest of the week the highs were in the lower 50's.
We visited a beautiful old cemetery in Gatlinburg that we go to when we are there. The leaves are so pretty. It was very humbling to see so many babies buried there. One family lost every baby born for 5 years in a row. Each lived a day or less. How heartbreaking that must have been for that family. They were such poor people in those days (early 1910's). Check out the pic of the headstones - I was able to get all in one shot.
Chris and Angie came up on Sunday and stayed until Wednesday. We really enjoyed getting to spend time with them! Getting ready Sunday AM for church felt just like it did in the dorm - minus "Primetime"!
Mom was great and cooked all week. We only ate out once, and that was great. It is so much easier to eat at home with the kids being so little. The food was great - cube steak, mac/cheese, mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, baked ham - and incredible biscuits! Thanks for working so hard, Mom. Oh, and can I forget - Paul's Brownies! They are wonderful!
I also had some funny quotes from the week that I thought I'd share:
"Peace out, cracker" (yes, Scott taught that to Kate)
"Where's Miss Angie and Uncle Tim?" (she was just a little confused)
"Going to go back to the Mountains" (aka- going back to the condo)
"That man was Mister Magoo that got burned in a toaster" (you had to be there for that one)
OK - so this post is way to long! Sorry!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Yeah for Kate!
Today's poop conversation:
Mama: "Kate, what will happen if you poop in your panties?"
Kate: (looking up at the ceiling, saying nothing)
M: "Kate, what will happen if you poop in your panties?"
K: (looking around) "I no poop in the panties"
M: "Yes, but what will happen if you poop in your panties?"
K: (still looking around) "I no poop in the panties"
M: "If you poop in your panties, you will get a spanking, right?"
K: (now looking at me - I have her attention) "Kate no spanking"
M: "And, if you poop in the potty, what will happen?"
K: "I no poop in the panties"
M: "But, what will happen if you poop in the potty?"
K: (looking around again)
M: "You will get a pumpkin! Maybe even 2!" (I'm desperate)
K: "And, 2 stickers too, Mama?!"
M: (Thinking, yes, honey, all the stickers you want!)
We stopped at McDonald's coming home yesterday, and I took Kate to the potty with me. I went first, and she was excited that Mama had to potty too. After I finished did I realize that there was no toilet paper our stall. So, I asked Kate to go to the next stall and get me some. She finally did, after some coaxing. She brought back a piece about 12 inches long. Wow. Not enough for me, though. I asked her to bring some more. She then brought back a piece about 3 inches long. On the third attempt, she brought back a thumb sized piece.
I was then rescued by another customer coming in the bathroom who provided me with an ample showing of toilet paper.
I thought about Noah sending out the raven and dove, as I sat wondering just how much toilet paper Kate would bring back this time.
We're home...
I am coming with more posts and PICTURES, hopefully today!
I loved the sign in! I check on each of your blogs every day! We love you all and can't wait to share some mountain stories!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
We're here!
While we are here, I thought it would be neat to have my blog readers just "sign in" with me... Leave a comment so I will know who is blogging us! :)
I really appreciate all the regular readers. This is way better than checking e-mails!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Gatlinburg, here we come!
Pray for our sanity - the DVD player for the car that we were going to borrow wasn't working, so we are going at it alone. I don't know which would be more fun - listening to Elmo for 6 or so hours, or listening to fussing for 6 or so hours... :) Who am I kidding? I can't wait! I look forward to this trip all year!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Halloween pictures!
The back splash! What do you think?
Weekend update
Friday, October 26, 2007
Baby bird
Sunday, October 21, 2007
We have just had such a nice weekend. I'm looking forward to next week! Scott's parents are coming for a visit, and we have 2 Halloween parties to go to on Saturday! What fun. One of them is a Halloween party at the barn, and Kate and Reed (my horse) will be dressing up like ladybugs. Uncle Mark just can't imagine it, but I think he will be surprised.
Sorry, I was never able to get these pictures to post. I will use another service next time.
Friday, October 19, 2007
We're doing our part.
Just wanted you all to know that we plan on doing our part.
Nope, no crimes for the Busby's this weekend.
Isn't public service rewarding?
White towels
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Our week
For starters, 2 weekends ago, our former adopted student Holly came up for homecoming at FU. She stayed with us on Sat. night, and we had a great time. Kate really enjoyed seeing her, and she remembered her, too! Our new adopted student, Mattie, came over for supper that Sat night and it was fun seeing our adopted students together!
This past weekend we spent Saturday painting inside the house. Scott has caulked the crown molding in the living room, and I got the mantle painted, and some of the window casings painted too. There is so much still to do inside our house, but we are back on track working on it. (we have taken breaks here and there). I also got our dining room table painted with primer - and it is ready for a paint coat... I am going to do a treatment similar to our cabinets, but make the chocolate glaze darker. I also have 4 casters to place under the table legs to raise the height a bit.
The past few weeks at work have been really nice. Busy, but not overwhelming. Kathleen called me today and told me that Kirk was probably going to call to see if I could possibly help with their clinic in Dothan - I would love to get to work with Kirk. But, it will be a job to get down there - leaving the kids here, of course. We'll see - if he needs me.
Life is returning to normal since losing Jack. It is now much easier to think about happier times and funnier days. We still miss him, and Kate still remembers to thank God for him in her prayers at night. She hasn't asked about him but still thanks God for him. She is such a sweet girl.
Brooks is still teething - I can see 4 teeth on the verge of eruption - and there are probably more. He has been incredibly difficult for the last 3 weeks. While I am trying to understand, it is still frustrating. He can be so sweet and so good, and so frustrating at times. Much more than Kate ever has been. Kathleen suggested the book by James Dobson about raising strong willed boys. I think I need to read it.
We are anxiously getting ready to go to the Mountains. It is only 2 weeks away - so hard to believe! Kate has been saying, "Gon to see Papa, Gon see Boots (his dog)". That tickles Papa good.
Well, I think that pretty much covers it. I am thankful for a less stressful week than the last.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
My Man
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My Jack
Monday, October 8, 2007
And then I kissed him inside, do you want me to call your Mama?
Conversation of a friend with her YOUNG daughter:
"Mama, I told Johnny he was my boyfriend"
"You did?" said her Mom
"And, I kissed him Mama"
"Oh, and where did you kiss him?"
"And, then I kissed him inside"
From a client of a very unruly cat: "Dr. Busby, I meant to tell the receptionist, the next time Midnight is here and you think he is going to act up, I want you to tell him, 'Midnight, do you want me to call your Mama?'
"Mrs. Smith, I don't think that would make Midnight calm down."
"Really?" said Mrs. Smith seriously. "You don't think so?"
Friday, October 5, 2007
I know he doesn't feel good, but
He has been sick since last Saturday. Granted, he isn't running a fever anymore, but he is coughing and cranky.
So, I just put him back to bed. Well, it worked! He slept from 8am-9:30. By then, I had Kate and myself ready, and we got Brooks and headed out shopping. We got many errands run in Prattville and ended up at Pizza Hut at Target. Well, they both ate like a charm (thank goodness, because I had not a drop of baby food or milk with me). So, we got our errands run.
The kids enjoyed getting out, as I did.
Yes, I took my coughing child out to run errands.
I just needed a break from our house and his crying.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Scott got a filling this morning - poor thing. His life has been about his teeth lately. But, I must say that he is a trooper and survived another appt at Dr. Lumpkin's office. That office needs to send us a Christmas thank you card this year for our patronage.
May I just say that I am so ready for Christmas?!?! I can't wait to make some holiday memories in our new house to make it feel more like home. I have so many ideas of things to do - time will tell which will actually come to fruition. One things for sure - I have 3 Christmas trees to put up this year! Scott is SO EXCITED!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
And Leah, Scott was really excited about the potential of the final prize. I think that he will start counting Sunday nights before BUNCO as "holidays".