It has been an interesting week with the kids since Mimi and Pa are gallivanting around PA.
Today, I took the kids to Aunt Leah's house for the day. At least I thought.
This morning, Brooks woke up fussy. He does this sometimes, and I was hoping that it was from our late night at church. Anyway, Scott helped me get the kids together and off we went. Kate was SO EXCITED to get to go to Hayes' house. When we got there, she was ecstatic and Brooks was devastated. He cried and cried when I left. In the back of my mind.... "I hope he is OK". Leah said she wouldn't call unless he was inconsolable.
Well, she called at 11:00 am and he was running a good fever. Bingo. Luckily, Dr. Brooks didn't have any appts scheduled for herself this afternoon, so I went there after lunch to get the kids. Kate was so happy - she had the best time. Brooks was pitiful.
So, I spent the rest of the day holding my little boy. I feel so bad for him - he was just sick and that lasted 2 weeks (cold and drainage) and now this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be a better day for him.
OK - so on another topic, I have been anxious to get some landscaping done around the outside of our home. Dr. Brooks loaned me the BEST book about landscaping - Southeast Home Landscaping. It basically shows you pictures, tells you if it is best for shade or sun, and then tells you exactly what to plant! It is so neat! I have been so excited to go to Lowes on Saturday (providing that Brooks is feeling better by then). If you are in need of landscaping ideas, you should check it out!
Hate so bad he was feeling yucky! Maybe another day!! I have a couple pictures of them to post later!!
Poor Brooksy...I hope it's short lived. I'm still laughing at Kate's comment from last night. She is going to be as sweet as you. Ashlyn came to class last night and was crying and sad. Kate looked like she wanted to console her...she looked worried about her. She(Ashlyn) did better as the class went on, but I notice things like that(Kate checking on her). Sweet Kate...sweet Kristy! :-)
That is so sweet for you to say! You know, the real sweetie is Payton B. He is always so concerned about everyone - just such a gentleman. I hope that Ashlyn does better on Sunday. I bet she will with Alex and Kate already in there.
here's hoping, and sending a prayer your way, that everyone is sleeping at your house right now and all are well and NOT up sick and crying!
Ashlyn is precious, I just don't think she's in Sunday School regularly and it's a change for her and a separation from mommy. That's hard. Payton isn't there on Wed. nights, but I know he's a sweetheart! :-)
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