Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bathing the possible

I had to post this, compliments of Aunt Laura:

Grandmama was giving Grandaddy little sponge baths in the hospital. She jokingly said she would bathe him from top down, as far as possible. Then she would bathe him from down up, as far as possible.

Then she would bathe possible!


Anonymous said...

Well, we can't pull up the video so wanted you to know that. Isn't the 'possible' thing just too funny! G'daddy says he has lost ALL his modesty! We've seen all of 'possible' around here this week!! :)

Me on Metatrophin said...

Hello! I like your blog! Found you because we're from Alabama too-- but we live in GA. Precious kids!

Roxy Wishum said...

That is very funny!