Friday, December 28, 2007
MMR strikes again
Last week, at his checkup, Brooks got his MMR and flu vaccines. Dr. Simon warned us that he may run a fever 8-10 days later. Kate did, so I fully expected him to do it, too. And, he has. Fever off and on since Wednesday night. We took a trip to the pediatrician's office this AM just to make sure - my niece is coming this weekend. Even took a flu test - negative. So, I have a very cranky little boy.
I knew our good fortune of no sickness (for at least a while) would run out at some point.
I knew our good fortune of no sickness (for at least a while) would run out at some point.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas at Auburn Hill Drive!
Well, Santa was good to us this year! Let's see:
Kate got a vacuum (and she has really cleaned the house this morning!), a sit and spin, some stickers, a Magna Doodle, a Breyer rug for her horses, and some other things.
Brooks got a Lighting McQueen car, some Hot Wheels, a Magna Doodle, and some other smaller things.
Last night we got the best Christmas present from our neighbors... Jimmy got our fireplace working (a.k.a. - he turned the chimney on) and the warmth from the fire was wonderful. Then, they had us over for Christmas dinner at their house (just across the street). It was a the most pleasant surprise after a hard day at work for me. I just can't say enough how glad we are to live in this house. It gets just more wonderful every day. Thank you to the Weekleys!
After gifts, we went to the clinic this morning with a sick puppy that I had kept here last night. It put a bit of a damper on my morning because the puppy just wasn't doing well at all. Of course, I had done all I could, and it would either live or die, but I just felt sad that it was some little girl's Christmas present. Dr. Brooks had it now, so I guess I will find out later on what happened to it.
The kids feel great - no one is sick! Quite a change from 2 years ago (when we left the hospital on Christmas Eve after Kate was there for 3 days with RSV). We are so blessed and happy. It's been a wonderful holiday!
Christmas in Mobile 2007

We left after Scott got off work on Friday night. I spent the entire day running last minute errands and packing, and we got off at a reasonable time (at least for us). But, then we had to take the dogs to the clinic for the weekend, and that also put us a little behind. Well, the trip down was uneventful, and we ended up getting there about 11:30pm. It was a little hard getting the kids settled, since they fell asleep on the way and woke up after getting there.
What was unexpected was Kate. She just couldn't get back to sleep at all. I was also having trouble. Scott was so tired, I don't think that he knew much that she wasn't sleeping. But, I did. She kept crawling to the bed and trying to get on it (she was on a pallet). And, loudly whispering her prayers over and over. So, I finally decided to get up with her and go watch TV. I gave her lots of milk, hoping that would make her sleepy. That was at 2am. I turned off the TV at 3am, and we fell asleep on the couch. I woke at 5:45am, and brought us back to bed (and her to the floor).
When Brooks woke up at 8:40am (now, you KNOW he was tired to have slept that long), Scott got up with him. I asked him to put Kate in the bed with me, and we'd sleep a bit longer. Well, she kept stirring, and then I whispered to her, "Do you want to get up?" And her whispered reply was, (I truly don't think she had anything else to say, after the previous night... She probably heard this 2,000 times!) "Close your eyes and go back to sleep!"
Scott and I did some last minute shopping and we opened gifts that night. Sunday, we got ready for church, and rode with Scott's parents in their van. Kate exclaimed with delight, "We're riding in Paw Paw's bullet!" So funny! We got home around 6pm Sunday night and got to bed early, because we had a long Monday ahead of us (see the next post).
Here are a few pictures of the weekend!
I love being a Veterinarian!
I think this holiday season is summed up in four words: Blue Ridge Animal Clinic. Have we been busy! I have done more surgery in the last week than I had done in several weeks, including things I hadn't done in years:
- Let's start with the dog who ate carpet. Whose owner let the dog eat the carpet. Exploratory surgery and (4) enterotomies (intestinal incisions) to remove the carpet. Dog did great.
- How about the puppy that was bought from someone online who was transported by the breeders (3) teenage grandsons. It's tried to die for the last two days. Got a blood transfusion, IV catheter, fluids (it's only 2 pounds). That required a trip to the clinic this morning (Christmas). I don't know if it's going to live or not.
- And, there is this cat who had a wound on his foot when the owners saw it last week. Then, it shows up yesterday. I ended up amputating (2) toes off his foot. It just wreaked of infection.
- Yes, and let's talk about the dog that the emergency clinic wondered if it was shot by an arrow in it's foot. (3) out of (4) high end toes were broken. That surgery took almost 2 hours yesterday. I HIGHLY doubt that it's going to work, but I was upfront with the owner. He wanted me to try. Come to find out, he's a documentarian by trade. Maybe an idea for another story? :)
- And, let me not forget, there was a cat with a lower K9 tooth at a very awkward angle - because the root was rotten. That cat tested positive for Feline Leukemia.
- And, how could I forget Noel? A kitten on the river bridge (beside the clinic) last Thursday. Had already been hit by a car, and it's right rear leg was irreparably broken. So, I amputated it. She's doing great. She's a tough cat. With a large nub.
And, you know what? I just love my job. I love what I do. There was a time after graduation that I wasn't sure that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. But, I have found a clinic where I enjoy what I do. I have a great boss. The girls with us are great.
And, I have a great family that accompanied me to the clinic on Christmas morning to try to help this most sick Christmas present. Without complaint. Kate was so glad to see Tiger and Nifty.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Long and lean
Brooks' 15 month checkup was today. As Dr. Simon says, "He's long and lean". He looks great - still in the 10% for weight, 50% for height (that has been his trend since birth). He weighed 21 pounds 2 ounces today. He got 2 shots :( and Kate got her flu shot. Both did really well. Kate weighed 31 pounds today! I knew she had gotten heavy - but now I'm really glad she is in her big girl bed!
Monday, December 17, 2007
2 more funnies
Ok, so I neglected to mention that while we were at church last night, one of my dogs (Tristan for those who are wondering) ATE 2/3 of my cookies from the swap. Yes, I am cursed with my dogs taking my special treats (who can forget the "Shelby incident"?)
And, yesterday, while at Gutheries, Kate pooped in the potty for the 3rd time in a row! Yeah Kate! Well, she was SO proud of herself that when we came out of the bathroom, she started yelling (my parents were with us), "Mimi, I pooped in the potty! I pooped in the potty!" It was quite hilarious. Yes, there were other people there too. They just smiled and laughed. It was really cute - and they all understood! As far as I'm concerned, she can shout it throughout Eastdale Mall, as long as she poops in the potty! :)
And, yesterday, while at Gutheries, Kate pooped in the potty for the 3rd time in a row! Yeah Kate! Well, she was SO proud of herself that when we came out of the bathroom, she started yelling (my parents were with us), "Mimi, I pooped in the potty! I pooped in the potty!" It was quite hilarious. Yes, there were other people there too. They just smiled and laughed. It was really cute - and they all understood! As far as I'm concerned, she can shout it throughout Eastdale Mall, as long as she poops in the potty! :)
Excessive Celebration II and Santa Closet
*Yes, our weekend of Christmas fun has come and gone, and it was great! We are tired but happy and glad to have accomplished our tasks.
*Friday went off without a hitch. My co-workers from the clinic came over for Christmas dinner. It was an informal affair and we had some fabulous food. Jason got here and finished hanging the chandelier around 4pm (and everyone arrived around 6:30pm). The light is beautiful and really adds to the room. We were very excited!
*Saturday we had Christmas Breakfast at the church bldg. We had been telling Kate that we were going to see Santa Clause again, and she was so excited to see Santa "Closet" (as she says). On the way there, she pulled one of her shoes off, and wanted help getting it back on. I told her she would have to wait until we got to the church bldg, and I would fix it there. TEARS welled up in her eyes, but she didn't make a whimper, but then said, "I don't want to go to church bldg, I want to see Santa Closet". Bless her - she was pitiful!
*She had a great time - and sat on Santa's lap (Brooks screamed this time!). When asked what she wanted for Christmas, she replied, "Presents". Makes my job easier! :)
*Then, Sunday was our Cookie Swap. I look forward to this every year. It is the most fun, and you get great cookies to take home to boot. This year it was at our house (I planned it the same weekend as the clinic dinner to just make it easier to keep our house REALLY clean for just 2 days... you know how it is with children...) I didn't get the house as ready as I would have liked it, but I got my best done. Being sick last week didn't help that. But, we all had such a good time, and I had a GREAT time.
*I have so looked forward to having people over, and Christmas here, so our house will feel like our home. And, it does more every day.
*So, we are exhausted, but happy. Work was crazy as usual. Scott has survived the busiest delivery day of the year; and even had a smile on his face when he got home. I will be shopping tomorrow. Enjoy these pictures from our weekend!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Alabama spay/neuter tag

Isn't this the best? I am very excited about this, and I am going to get one for Bullet.
I sent an e-mail telling some friends about the tag, and found out that my good friend, Kirk Holland (a veterinarian in Dothan) designed the tag! How neat is that?
Anyway, they are available at any tag office. They are under pre-order for now (1000 must be pre-ordered before they are produced).
Thursday, December 13, 2007
We are feeling better
Our house is nearly back to normal - thank goodness! Overall, we really weren't that sick - Brooks ran a fever for only 2 days, Kate never got sick (Whew!), I am taking ab's and feel fine, and Scott is managing... He has been working so hard and still has another hard week to go...
But, since I have been under the weather this week, I am far behind where I thought I'd be at this point with getting ready for the weekend events. But, I am not even worried about it. How hard is that to believe? I guess I just have decided that what's done is done, and I'll deal with what isn't...
My friend, Wendy Chesser, brought her cat to our clinic today. She didn't know I was working there, and I was so glad to see her! We quickly decided that we were going to have to set up a lunch or dinner date monthly to keep up with how the other is doing. Her kids are getting so big, and she home schools them (and loves it). I'm not surprised - she is such an energetic and outgoing person. I'm so glad she came by today.
Anyway, I'll have lots of pictures to post in the coming days.
But, since I have been under the weather this week, I am far behind where I thought I'd be at this point with getting ready for the weekend events. But, I am not even worried about it. How hard is that to believe? I guess I just have decided that what's done is done, and I'll deal with what isn't...
My friend, Wendy Chesser, brought her cat to our clinic today. She didn't know I was working there, and I was so glad to see her! We quickly decided that we were going to have to set up a lunch or dinner date monthly to keep up with how the other is doing. Her kids are getting so big, and she home schools them (and loves it). I'm not surprised - she is such an energetic and outgoing person. I'm so glad she came by today.
Anyway, I'll have lots of pictures to post in the coming days.
New Addition
Monday, December 10, 2007
Now I KNOW I'm not feeling good
I have been fighting with a paperless patient chart information sheet for my OBGYN (that I only found out TODAY that I have to have for my appt tomorrow at 9AM) and I can't get it to do get to the form where I actually answer any questions. I have agreed over 12 times to the conditions.
And, now I am in tears because I am so aggrivated.
So, obviously, I am not feeling good, because why else would I be crying?
And, now I am in tears because I am so aggrivated.
So, obviously, I am not feeling good, because why else would I be crying?
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Brooks' bed head, Kate's new big girl bed...

I have been thinking of this post for a while. Since this is for family and friends, and also my "journal/memory book", I wanted to take a minute and think about how my kids are so different:
- Kate and Brooks have always been good sleepers.
- Kate will sleep until 7am, and Brooks is up before 6am talking.
- Brooks is much more of a talker than Kate was.
- Kate is a much better eater than Brooks is.
- Kate would try so much food; Brooks will try hardly anything.
- Kate was always great at dressing (she learned quickly to help us put her shirts on); Brooks has never liked being dressed.
- Brooks is great at letting me put his shoes on - he holds his feet up to do it. Kate used to fight me by curling her toes.
- Kate seems tougher than Brooks. He is much more sensitive.
- The were both late crawlers and walkers (Brooks isn't walking yet).
- Kate's teeth came in one at the time. Brooks' teeth come in groups.
- So, Kate had little trouble teething. Brooks was a nightmare.
- When Kate is sick, we are usually up and down with her at night. Brooks has never woken us up at night when he is sick.
- Kate was much sicker as a baby than Brooks has been.
- They are both great car riders.
- Kate is a daddy's girl; Brooks is a mama's boy.
- Kate loves my horse, Reed. Brooks wants nothing much to do with him (although he is getting better)
- Kate loves, loves, loves milk. Brooks is difficult to get to drink it, although he is getting better.
- Kate was a late talker. Brooks babbles all the time. I think he gets that from Scott.
- Both are great medicine takers.
- Kate loves to read books. Brooks isn't as interested (could it be because he is the 2nd child and I don't have as much time?)
- Kate was a little ticklish. You can almost make Brooks laugh by thinking about tickling him.
- Brooks has always smiled and laughed. Kate didn't have that hearty laugh as a baby that he has. I know he gets that from Scott!
Well, I'm sure that I will come up with more. I really enjoyed that!
Kiddo update
Well, enough of my philosophy, and back to our family news.
Brooks started running a fever today. He was so wonderful in church this morning - we didn't have to leave! (for the first time ever, I think). Alas, during lunch he felt awfully warm, and was a little oven by the time we got home. I guess we will wait to see if he continues the good church boy trend after he is well. He is feeling much better now - crawling around our bedroom now.
I, however, have been sneezing and have a touch of a sore throat. I am craving some orange juice and am praying that the plague passes before our "weekend of Christmas fun"! Friday night we are having Christmas dinner for the girls from work; Saturday is the holiday morning with Santa at church; and Sunday is our cookie swap.
Jason is hopefully coming on Tuesday to get the electricity run to hang our chandelier in our "new" dining room. I finished painting the table and it looks great. I am very pleased. So we have a mad dash to Friday night.
On a side note, my hair did GREAT today! It is a really good day when your hair looks good!
On another side note, I received a belated anniversary present this past week. Our 10 year anniversary was this past May, and since that fell the week after we closed on our new house, we decided to dedicate our time here. Well, last week I saw this most beautiful vintage wedding set while out "looking". I have always wanted a ring like this - and I am so excited that Scott said that I could get it. When I showed it to him, he said it was OK, but it wasn't something that he would have picked out! :) It's a good thing that I did, because I just love it! Thank you, honey!
So, we are getting excited about this week. Pray for some good health for us, if you would!
Brooks started running a fever today. He was so wonderful in church this morning - we didn't have to leave! (for the first time ever, I think). Alas, during lunch he felt awfully warm, and was a little oven by the time we got home. I guess we will wait to see if he continues the good church boy trend after he is well. He is feeling much better now - crawling around our bedroom now.
I, however, have been sneezing and have a touch of a sore throat. I am craving some orange juice and am praying that the plague passes before our "weekend of Christmas fun"! Friday night we are having Christmas dinner for the girls from work; Saturday is the holiday morning with Santa at church; and Sunday is our cookie swap.
Jason is hopefully coming on Tuesday to get the electricity run to hang our chandelier in our "new" dining room. I finished painting the table and it looks great. I am very pleased. So we have a mad dash to Friday night.
On a side note, my hair did GREAT today! It is a really good day when your hair looks good!
On another side note, I received a belated anniversary present this past week. Our 10 year anniversary was this past May, and since that fell the week after we closed on our new house, we decided to dedicate our time here. Well, last week I saw this most beautiful vintage wedding set while out "looking". I have always wanted a ring like this - and I am so excited that Scott said that I could get it. When I showed it to him, he said it was OK, but it wasn't something that he would have picked out! :) It's a good thing that I did, because I just love it! Thank you, honey!
So, we are getting excited about this week. Pray for some good health for us, if you would!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
What annoys you about the Christmas holidays?
I just completed a "Christmas Survey for your friends" e-mail, which I love to do. It's fun to give your opinion on some topics.
One of the questions was, "What is most annoying to you about the Christmas holidays?"
For me, it is the pressure to buy expensive, impressive or just plain more presents. I sometimes feel that I am such a simplistic person. I consider myself very content, and there is very little that I wish for or yearn for in this life that I don't already have.
I think, though, what I wish for most, is a simpler time.
I wish that our neighborhood could be like Mayberry; our family be like the Cleavers; our house filled with stories and singing rather than television and movies (ironically, how would I know about Mayberry or the Cleavers without TV? I know, I know...). While I am sure that I have idealized the periods just a bit, I still remember walking to my friends homes and riding my bike for just a little while after dark. I wonder if my kids will experience that.
Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't trade a hot shower for life 100 years ago. After all, that IS a lot to ask!
My children are not old enough to really appreciate what Santa is all about. But, when they are, I want them to enjoy the innocence of this tradition for as long as they can. Is there a way for them to want something and be satisfied at the same time? I'm sure they won't as children - for that is something I hopefully can teach them.
I hope this is something that I am ALREADY teaching them.
'Nuff said. (gotcha Randy Medlin)
One of the questions was, "What is most annoying to you about the Christmas holidays?"
For me, it is the pressure to buy expensive, impressive or just plain more presents. I sometimes feel that I am such a simplistic person. I consider myself very content, and there is very little that I wish for or yearn for in this life that I don't already have.
I think, though, what I wish for most, is a simpler time.
I wish that our neighborhood could be like Mayberry; our family be like the Cleavers; our house filled with stories and singing rather than television and movies (ironically, how would I know about Mayberry or the Cleavers without TV? I know, I know...). While I am sure that I have idealized the periods just a bit, I still remember walking to my friends homes and riding my bike for just a little while after dark. I wonder if my kids will experience that.
Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't trade a hot shower for life 100 years ago. After all, that IS a lot to ask!
My children are not old enough to really appreciate what Santa is all about. But, when they are, I want them to enjoy the innocence of this tradition for as long as they can. Is there a way for them to want something and be satisfied at the same time? I'm sure they won't as children - for that is something I hopefully can teach them.
I hope this is something that I am ALREADY teaching them.
'Nuff said. (gotcha Randy Medlin)
Monday, December 3, 2007
My loves
I have 101 errands to run tomorrow.
Scott didn't get home until 8:50pm.
We are beat.
But, I love my life.
I love my husband.
I love my children.
I love my parents.
I love my family.
I love my job.
I love my dogs.
I love my house.
I love my neighbors.
I love my friends.
I love Christmas.
I love being a Christian.
I love being loved by God.
Scott didn't get home until 8:50pm.
We are beat.
But, I love my life.
I love my husband.
I love my children.
I love my parents.
I love my family.
I love my job.
I love my dogs.
I love my house.
I love my neighbors.
I love my friends.
I love Christmas.
I love being a Christian.
I love being loved by God.
At least it's colder today...
You know, it's just not right when it's in the 70's in December.
So, what have we been doing for the last few days?
Friday, I got a "wild hair" (as my Mom would say) and I decided to move the living room around again. I thought I was happy with the last arrangement, but I don't think I totally was. Kate helped me and it was quite comical. She was really getting into it... "Push, Mama!" And, I forgot to mention it to Scott before he came home (well, not exactly forgot, but I wanted it to be a surprise), so when he came in the living room, he was surprised! Time will only tell how long it will stay this way.
And, I got my Christmas tree finished. I am quite pleased with it, but I have NOT been pleased with the pictures I have taken to show you. I am still working on that.
Gran Gran and Paw Paw stopped by to see the kids on the way to Anniston on Saturday. It was a quick visit, but we enjoyed seeing them. Gran Gran made many new bows for Kate, and I was just tickled to get them. And, of course, the rest of the day was spent watching college football - ****if TN could have only beaten LSU****
Sundays are so hectic for us. On top of that, we bowled with our Sunday School class after church. We had such a good time, but I really S-T-U-N-K. If I ever bowl well, I was having a lucky night. Well, I really wasn't lucky last night. Scott bowled well, as usual. Not as good as he could have, but he still did well. Scott is good at most sports he plays. Except, maybe golf...
Today I worked - and it was BUSY. But, it is the first Monday of the month - and I play Bunco on those nights! It is such fun to just laugh and laugh with the girls. I guess you would have to be there to know how much fun we have! And, the food was fabulous - Rebecca always goes out of her way to entertain. Bunco is at my house next month, and I am so excited about it! Terri and I have already been scheming about that...
So, what have we been doing for the last few days?
Friday, I got a "wild hair" (as my Mom would say) and I decided to move the living room around again. I thought I was happy with the last arrangement, but I don't think I totally was. Kate helped me and it was quite comical. She was really getting into it... "Push, Mama!" And, I forgot to mention it to Scott before he came home (well, not exactly forgot, but I wanted it to be a surprise), so when he came in the living room, he was surprised! Time will only tell how long it will stay this way.
And, I got my Christmas tree finished. I am quite pleased with it, but I have NOT been pleased with the pictures I have taken to show you. I am still working on that.
Gran Gran and Paw Paw stopped by to see the kids on the way to Anniston on Saturday. It was a quick visit, but we enjoyed seeing them. Gran Gran made many new bows for Kate, and I was just tickled to get them. And, of course, the rest of the day was spent watching college football - ****if TN could have only beaten LSU****
Sundays are so hectic for us. On top of that, we bowled with our Sunday School class after church. We had such a good time, but I really S-T-U-N-K. If I ever bowl well, I was having a lucky night. Well, I really wasn't lucky last night. Scott bowled well, as usual. Not as good as he could have, but he still did well. Scott is good at most sports he plays. Except, maybe golf...
Today I worked - and it was BUSY. But, it is the first Monday of the month - and I play Bunco on those nights! It is such fun to just laugh and laugh with the girls. I guess you would have to be there to know how much fun we have! And, the food was fabulous - Rebecca always goes out of her way to entertain. Bunco is at my house next month, and I am so excited about it! Terri and I have already been scheming about that...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Is this not the sweetest picture ever?
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