Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Blogs display

I saw this on Rebecca's blog the other day and I thought it was so cool! But, in order for me to fit all of the blogs that I truly love, unfortunately, I had to delete others that I don't read as often or aren't updated often (don't worry Leah, you still made the cut). Most I still have links to on other blogs (unless you do some blog maintenance, too).


Brooks is feeling better. We are planning on taking him to church tonight. Have I told you about our Sunday School class? We are studying I and II Samuel. We have a great teacher, Randy Bailey, a Bible professor from Faulkner University (also a member of our church). It is such a wonderful class, because he really makes you think about what you are studying, and I just love learning that way! I told Randy that, since we have 2 young children, getting the most from the sermons is difficult. But, in Sunday School, our kids are in their own classes, and I get to really listen.

We DID get to go out on Sat night with Mark and Leah. It was long overdue! We had a great time and laughed a lot - just like we did before we had so many children! I truly miss the closeness that we once had, and I sure hope to do everything I can to make sure that we stay close with this family. They are one of the MANY reasons that we are so happy to be at UCoC. So, we will always have to talk about: Patel, nuts, flirting (and flirting) and more... And, college football season is right around the corner!....


Me on Metatrophin said...

Whoo-Hoo! I made the blog cut! HA! YES-- football season is FAST approaching! Roll Tide! Until then, we have baseball!!

Me on Metatrophin said...

We can pull for opposite teams and still be blog buddies-- I will try to keep my "trash talk" to a minimum when the Iron Bowl rolls around! Just kiddin'--my mom and I both went to Alabama, my brother and dad went to Auburn, so it's a fun house divided!! Truth be told, I went to Samford as an undergrad (met my hubby there) and UA for grad school, so I may not actually count anyway! Love reading your blog. It's interesting and normal--things that become important in this crazy world!

Rebecca said...

I am loving the new blog lists! It was a pain to change, but sooooo worth it.

Roxy Wishum said...

I love studying with Randy "Big R" Bailey. If only you could get him to laugh some during class.

Liz said...

I just love your blog! You are so sweet. Isn't date night fun? I wish they could happen more often. Hey, whatever happened to the book club idea? Did it fizzle, or is is just a matter of me not keeping up with what is going on? Probably the latter if I know me!!!