Friday, June 20, 2008

Mama, Brooks is runnin' a feber...

Yes, another fever virus. Dr. S did say that Roseola is going around. Brooks hasn't felt all that great the last few days, but is OK considering.

Yesterday, I had a dog come in from the HS with a collar embedded inside it's neck. It's jugular vein was showing and OOZING. That was an interesting case! Dr. A had just stopped by, and she got the dog started in surgery while I finished exam rooms. He is a nice dog but doesn't like other dogs - which will make him difficult to adopt.

Otherwise, it's been fairly boring around here. I am just settling down for a long afternoon nap - a quiet reward on Friday from a long week at work. It has been a much more pleasant week from last. I hope we are going out with Mark and Leah for supper Sat night - that is if the planets can align, baby sitters can be secured, and gas prices don't go any higher (are any of these possible???)


Nancy Hood said...

love reading your posts! I always find myself smiling at the way you smile at yourself~and I bet you're fun to live next door to!

Nicole said...

Sick kids are so hard. The only good thing about it is that they will settle down and snuggle with you. Hope she gets feeling better.

Sarah said...

Poor little guy! He gets a lot of those! I feel so bad for him. I hope you guys get to go out tonight, I know how difficult it can be for the planets to align! Good luck with that, I do think it might be possible!