Tonight, Kate got stuck on her prayer. She kept saying, "And, please help.... and please help...". Finally Scott said, "Please help what?" She said, "Please help Tristan (the dog) not to spit."
Brooks is talking more and more. And, we are understanding him more and more!
-Monday morning I got him out of the crib. He immediately said, "Banket!" I asked him if he wanted his blanket (as I was reaching for it) and he said, "Peese"...
-Wednesday night, during the devotional, he was incredibly good. Afterwards, I gave him a big hug and said I was so proud of him. He said to me, "I quiet! I quiet!"
-Tonight I was getting him ready for bed. I asked him if he had given Daddy a kiss goodnight and he said, "No ma'am". He then runs into the living room, gives Daddy a huge SWAK, and runs back to his room where I am waiting.
I love coming here and finding smiles all over the place!!
Man those 2 sure are growing up fast.
Such sweet little ones!! I am so thankful that I am able to watch them grow. They are precious to me and Pa, and we consider them two of our biggest blessings!
It is so sweet hearing them talk to their parents and to God in their prayeres.
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