Saturday, April 19, 2008

The finished product

Fresh hand prints! Kate's on the left, Brooks' on the right (don't their hands look similar in size?)

Just finishing the plate at the store, before firing

Finished product in our kitchen!

I did the polka dots in colors that will match our kitchen so that I can display the plate often. I added flowers to the sheep's mouths and upside down "v's" to mimic hooves.

Scott said he loved the plate and he would love it if I did some more for other holidays! :) Music to my crafty ears!
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jennwa said...

Those are great. Soooo cute.
I want to make those.

Leah said...

This turned out so cute!

Melissa Lester said...

Precious! I will have to remember this idea for our trip to paint Easter eggs next year. And that reminds me, I still haven't made it back to Prattville to pick up our eggs from this year's trip.

Louise said...

The plate is SO cute!!

Lerra said...

That is such a great idea & it looks good on display too! How cute!