Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So, it's already started...

Before... sad, wrong prescription, didn't fit very well...

After! Happy, right prescription, fit very well, no headache!

So, I am at the eyeglass store and am trying on glasses. Brooks is in his stoller and Kate is sitting on their couch area. All of the sudden, she bursts out laughing, runs over to me, and exclaims, "Mama, you look SILLY!"

Could it be that it's already started? Is my 3 year old judging my style issues already?
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Elizabeth Johnston said...

Love your new glasses! That was a cute way to display them on your blog! Very creative!

Ashley said...

I think you look great! Your new glasses are beautiful.

Rebecca said...

I like the glasses!!! They are great!!!

Keysgal@QuietWater said...

The glasses are super cool. I like them. Love you.