Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Finishing the bills

So, I have been here for a while... balancing the checkbook and paying bills. Well, all this T*E*D*I*O*U*S work has my mind wandering...

1. My neighbor said today when your kids are little, you want to keep them forever. Eventually, God turns them into teenagers and somehow, you just begin to change your mind.

2. I can't find any return address labels on the internet that I like. How can that be.

3. I am listening to Pandora Radio - Contemporary Country. Ever heard of Josh Rouse? I don't think that he's heard of country music.

4. A crying baby can really cause your ear to hurt.

5. Did you know that Walmart only lets you cash a personal check for money for $20.00. Not $5.oo, or $500.00. Only $20.00.

6. I was so mad at one of my dogs this morning that I actually HOPED that he would get hit by a car before I got back home. Yep. Sure did. And, he didn't.

I think I need to go to bed.


Louise said...

Hey Kristi! I got some pretty cute address labels one time from www.colorfulimages.com
Hope it helps!!

angie said...

Hey Janet is a big fan of Current & here is the link to their site. I took a quick look & saw several cute labels. I actually have a big roll at home but I always forget to use them.

Sarah said...

Hey, remember that time I had to take a dog up front and you were working on a spastic cat? You never did let that darn cat go but if I remember right, he left an entire claw in your arm. I saw you in the back and asked if you needed a bandaid. You pulled your arm off of the towel and held it up and said "I think I need a little more than just a bandaid!" HA! That had nothing to do with your post, just joggin' through some old memories! ~~Good times!!~~ =-)


Kristi said...

Aren't you funny! You know, I don't remember that... or, maybe it was Susan Eggering's cat? That cat got my hand really good! Wish you could have seen the C-section I did on Monday - 2 cute pups. More memories...

Leah said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning!

Lerra said...

Hey, it's cheaper & pretty easy to make your own return address labels! You can by blank ones at Office Depot (or possibly even Wal-Mart?) and print them yourself. :-)