Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First day of school!

Here we are. 5 years in the making.
When did this sweet girl grow up?

I dropped her off this morning. When she realized it was her school, she beamed: "YAY!!!" Brooks and I walked Kate to her classroom on the first day. She was so excited about all the day! I can't wait to hear of all the fun things she did today.

For lunch I packed: peanut butter/nutella sandwich, grapes/carrots, pretzels and smiles. For snack she got peanut butter crackers and juice.

Me and Kate at Open House

First day - this is the shirt that Kate picked

At the table
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Rebecca said...

I am so impressed with your speed at blogging about this.
She is going to have a wonderful year! Have fun Kate!

Melissa Lester said...

She is absolutely beaming in the photos -- so pretty and confident. I hope she had a great day!

Pa said...

She looks so grown up. It's hard to believe she has started school.

Portsmouth Stone Contractors said...

Thank you for wriiting this