Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My sweet Aunt Bill

My Great Aunt "Bill" died last night. She was my Grandaddy's older sister. This was a picture that I took of her at Grandmama and Grandaddy's 65th anniversary party. She was a feisty and sweet lady and we are going to miss her!
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Kelly said...

I am sorry for your loss. I'll pray for your family

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry, Kristy. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

Louise said...

I'm so sorry! You are in my prayers!

Sherri said...

Kristi, I am so sorry you lost you beloved Aunt. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Me on Metatrophin said...

So sorry to hear of this loss. It's never easy.

Nancy Hood said...

she looks like a happy person that must have lived a good life ~ what a nice legacy :)

Anonymous said...

Kristi, that is such a sweet, good picture of Millie. It captures her essence so beautifully. Thank you for your tribute to her here. I am unaccustomed to a world without her presence... she has always been such an influence in my life and it feels really strange...These events always bring to mind how precious my time with Granddaddy is. He can be so difficult, but I love spending time with them. Thanks again for your post. It is apt that such a great lady have so many people pay tribute to her well-lived life. Love always, Aunt Laura