Friday, November 14, 2008

Say that a little quieter....

Tonight at Chickalay, Kate said her prayer a little too loud:

"Dear God, thank you for Mama, Daddy, Brooks and Me. Thank you for our food. And, please help Brooks' diarrhea go away really soon. In Jesus' Name, Amen."


Patrice said...

I guess I am thankful that Megan only talks about diarrhea when we are in the bathroom. Of course it is never the one at home. The bathrooms at stores and restaurants really echo from inside.
Megan will ask, mom what is diarrhea really loud. I try to explain but she seems to forget. The last time she asked, I heard another lady laughing after she asked the question.

Kelly said...


Nancy Hood said...

hahahaha and I guess everyone was hungry after that!!

Me on Metatrophin said...

Out of the mouths of babes!

Anonymous said...

I think it's sweet that she thought to pray for Brooks. That is precious!!

Heidi said...

Sweet. I love to hear Sean pray. So sincere.
I hope he feels better soon though. For his sake and yours.

The tall cake was good. I had not had one in years either. It was one of those "I really need some chocolate moments" if you know what I mean! and the tall cake is choc overload. Almost sickening. I only made it through half of it. Ha!

Sarah said...

HA! I love it! Kids are so brutally honest in everything aren't they??!!

Keysgal@QuietWater said...

Well did the diarrhea go away? If so,nuf said!! xoxo

Lerra said...

Haha! That is hilarious!! And I love that you keep calling it Chickalay.

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!! She is so sweet to pray for his bowels...that's a true caring sis... :-)