Friday, November 21, 2008

Late night Walmart shopping

I'm sure that many of you mothers out there shop late nights at Walmart, for all the obvious reasons... the children are at home asleep and you can go by yourself! So, tonight I took off after Scott got home, because the grocery trip was thwarted earlier today by cranky children (well, mainly cranky Kate).

I was a Mom on a mission - dressed in a hip looking jogging suit, wearing a UPS hat that really didn't match. I was there to get this over with and get back home! Most of the people I encountered were families, and many were chatting with each other as if they were long lost neighbors.

Well, there was a single guy I noticed in the produce section. I noticed all he had in his cart was a pineapple. He probably was a wonderful person, but if I could be frank, he just wouldn't be my type, and I think I might know why he was single and late night shopping at Walmart... but I digress...

Later on I see him again, and he is just sauntering around with a pitifully filled cart. It seemed to be filled with a "dating list" of food. I couldn't help but snicker at what he had inside (and this is what I can remember):
  • that lone pineapple
  • Kashi go lean cereal (he needed it)
  • a small bottle of wine
  • Velveeta cheese (?)


Nancy Hood said...

ha ha sounds like he was in a bad movie, and I'm snickering as I type lol lol

Anonymous said...

That is funny!!! Hope you had a good time shopping by yourself---with no interruptions. Hope Kate will feel better today.

Me on Metatrophin said...

You are very observant! LOVE your new blog look. Where did you get that background?

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious.... i too notice what other people have in their carts and wonder what's on their

Elyse said...

Cracks me up totally! Also-ADORE the new blog look.