Saturday, May 2, 2009

What Kate has been up to these days...

Here is our first try at scissors. Without permission, I should say. When I saw this, my first words were, "You didn't cut your hair, did you?!" But she hadn't. She cut her horse, Kashi's, mane. It looks terrible now. I guess every child eventually cuts something with the scissors...

Poor Kashi.

This picture was of Kate after Scott told her to go get her panties and put them on. Do we need so specify?

Some friends of ours live on a dirt road. The other day Kate said she was glad we didn't live on a "dirty" road - our road was "clean".

The other day I told her that she needed to rest her eyes. She said she didn't because her eyes weren't tired.

On the "tail end" - here is my new plate. I just love it. These tags are available for purchase through the State of Alabama. A friend and colleague designed it. I just love it! :)
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Mimi said...

I like your tag very much!! And I LOVE that sweet Kate with the panty-head!!! So glad she cut the mane and not her hair!!!! :)

Patrice said...

Kids and scissors. What a combination. We were lucky that Megan did not want to cut her hair until last year. She had drawn a picture of herself to give to her dad and she cut a little of her hair at the bottom(thank goodness)and glued it on to her picture so she would have hair. Tim could not get upset with her. He just told her not to cut her hair anymore.

Lerra said...

Yeah...when I was little, a friend of mine cut my bangs for me. Or rather, she cut a chunk of my bangs. The day before family portraits. :-) So be glad Kate only cut the horse's hair! :-)

Me on Metatrophin said...

LOL!! Garrett also once put underwear on his head-- just like Kate! Sooooo funny! He recently cut the front of his hair at 6 years old! I was so shocked! He did it in class!!