Sunday, August 10, 2008

Congratulations to Scott and Dad!

Today, Scott and Dad were among 16 men inducted as deacons at church this morning. I am so very proud of them both! Of course, Dad served many years as a deacon at our church at home, but it was special to see him and Scott both selected to serve.

Our church is growing such that we started 2 Sunday AM services several months ago. The second service was so early that the attendance wasn't enough to alleviate the seating problems of the regular service. Today, we started a compromise - where church service began at 8:30am, followed by Sunday School at 9:45am. Remember that we live 30 non-speeding minutes from church and used to leave at 8:20am - now we will leave at 7:50am. This is a feat for our family! We made it this morning. Mom says that it will be nothing after a few weeks, and she is right. But it is something until we get used to it!

The hardest thing for the kids is having services first, bible class second. They weren't sure what to think! Come to think of it, neither did we!


Lerra said...

What church do y'all go to?

Congrats to Scott & your dad!

ICURIS said...

yeah! how did i not know about this?!? :)

Rebecca said...

I had given Brooks a heads up that we would be in church first. I think Reese did better because he wasn't all "geared up" from being in class first. Then again, it could have just been a fluke.

Melissa Lester said...

Congratulations to Scott and your dad. I know they will be great workers!

Louise said...

Congrats to your dad and Scott! I know they are a great addition!! I'm not sure I knew what to think with worship first either!! :)
And thanks for asking about me, I do feel MUCH better!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Kristi, if we haven't met before, nice to meet you! I can't remember if I've been over to your blog or not, but thanks for stopping by. Of course, you all know that I'm TOTALLY keeping that bedding...I'll use it eventually.


Sarah said...

LEAVE AT 7:50AM?? Seriously, you're my hero. Ugh, just getting MY Sunday hair and Heidi's Sunday hair done makes me break out in a cold sweat!!! Reagan's is still easy. Thank goodness Brook's hair isn't to much to handle!! Seriously, you're on my hero list.