Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cleaning tricks

Does anyone else get a little overwhelmed at cleaning up all the stuff that finds it's way around the house? You know what I mean - the refrigerator magnets that I find under our bed, the erring shoe under the couch, the gladware containers under the kid's beds?

I figured out something that helps me. I get a large container like the one above and pick up all the clutter. Then I carry it around the house to put the things back into their place. In a few minutes, one room looks clutter free! Maybe this will help you with day to day clutter.

Brooks wanted me to take his picture, too!
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Leslie said...

That's a great idea! I seem to shuffle that kind of stuff around and it never seems to make it back to it's home.

The Hester Family said...

Girl, I've been doing this for years, but I use a laundry basket, or two.

Sarah said...

Good for you! I despise kid clutter. Seems as though I clean up after tornadoes all day. Now that the kids are older, they are wonderful helpers and they are slowly learning to pick up after themselves. I still give constant reminders, but it is much better. I am mean though, if they leave stuff out time and time again and don't put things where it disappears never to return again. They don't miss things much, it seems children are over stimulated by a million toys in one house hold. I love reading the Laura Ingalls books to Heidi, you know she only had one little doll (named Charolette) that she cherished? They were pretty happy kids too! Ugh, we have too much stuff...

Leah said...

Great tip...I find myself wandering aimlessly from room to room and getting nowhere!!

Brooks is a doll!!

Nicole said...

Thats a great tip. Just today I pulled my daughters dresser and I couldn't believe all the stuff I found. It was a little scary!

Elyse said...

My mom thinks I am nuts, but I do the same thing :) Precious picture of Brooks!

T. Brodie said...

Mom did that too. The only difference was that she didn't put the things up. She would charge us 10 cents for each item we wanted to take out! We learned quickly to only leave out the things we didn't really need!

angie said...

We always have misc items downstairs on the kitchen table & I don't know why. I wish I had thought of putting it in basket or something to carry it upstairs to its rightful places.

Me on Metatrophin said...

Great photo and good ideas for clutter. We have a lot of clutter usually-- but the preggo exhaustion has made me really bad about picking up!!