Tuesday, May 17, 2011


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  1. Brooks is 4 1/2 years old.
  2. He is getting smarter everyday!
  3. He is an expert at the Wii - his favorite games are tennis and ping pong.
  4. I am secretly glad that he doesn't start school until next Fall.
  5. He has my teeth (and will also, I'm sure, have braces)
  6. This boy was a champ this past Fall when he got his flu shot. Didn't even cry.
  7. He loves to pick out his own clothes. Come to think of it, when has he not. :)
  8. I have gotten him to try green beans and corn a few times in the past few months.
  9. He says he likes the green beans but not the corn.
  10. He is the best at saying yes ma'am and no ma'am.
  11. He still sleeps with his blanket. Every night. No exceptions.
  12. He is learning a lot about spelling from Kate.
  13. We got the best compliment about his behavior at church a few weeks ago!
  14. He LOVES playing with ball with Scott. Either throwing the tennis ball or hitting it.
  15. He still cries every time he gets hurt. :(
  16. He tells me he loves me everyday. And, 90% of the time he does it unprompted.
  17. He and I play kissing games - when we kiss each other we see who can wipe it off the fastest.
  18. I can see his stubbornness is giving in just.a.bit.
  19. I am seeing what my Mom meant when she said how special a son is to his Mom.
  20. I don't know what I will do when I have to go to the dentist by myself, without him in my lap while getting work done.
  21. He goes to class by himself. He still won't go to kidsing.
  22. His friends at church are Cooper, Reese, Jamie and Laura.
  23. Dad says he is going to be a smart, good boy. Dad is usually right about these things. :)
  24. He still likes being called Brooksie. One day he will hate it. Kate nicknamed him Brooksie.

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