September is going to be a whirlwind month for us!
It has already been busy...
I have to tell you about the playhouse that the Austin's gave us. Their daughter had outgrown it, and it came with the house they bought a few years ago. Scott brought most of it home last night. HE was so excited that he put the entire thing together so the kids could play with it today. And, play they have. They love their new clubhouse!
I think that I am finally finished with clothing to be submitted to the consignment sale. I have really pulled some out this year. It all began with getting our attic up to code with insulation. Now, there really is no way to store things there. Major bummer. Sure will limit all the junk that I can save! :) But, I am working at the sale this Friday so I hope to get a peek at some of the deals coming in...
Casey is coming down tonight through Sunday. When I told Kate, she said, "Oh Mama! I love Sophia!" They will have a great time. I am also getting a very long overdue highlight. This is the absolute longest that I have waited in a while. And, it shows. Those lovely roots will be gone by Sat AM!
Brooks' b'day party (it looks like) will be Sept 19th. Most likely in the AM. Another thing on my list of things to do - get invites made. That is the 1 way that I resemble Melissa Lester. There is no other. The invites are going to have Thomas (he picked them out)...
The following weekend Scott is having the kids from Bible Bowl over for a party, and I am hosting a baby shower a week or 2 following. And, some time in that (well, actually 21st-25th) I am working the entire week at the clinic.
Did I say that I am moving Reed to a new barn? That happens on Sept 28th. This barn is right around the corner from our house. I am excited and nervous for him. I hate moving where he lives. I want him to stay somewhere forever. Hopefully it will work out that we do. The kids are ecstatic about it. They love going to the new barn.
Yep. So that explains it. Sept is busy - and we are all ready for some college football!!!!